Hello everybody. Today I am releasing my site. Thanks for checking it out.

This site is about web design: the sites I make and the web techniques I am learning about. The web is a quickly evolving place, sometimes it is hard to keep up with the many new technologies. However, if you're eager to learn, you'll find out it is not that difficult to make good websites that are fast, simple and creative.

The key is defining clear targets at the start and regularly match them against your progress. The endgame is equally important: have all best practices been applied? Does everything work as expected?

It is important to use progressive enhancement: first the structure / markup (xhtml), then the presentation (css) and at last some javascript to enhance the usability. It doesn't only save time, it guarantees clean web designs!

My goal for 2010: keep on making beautiful web sites which are fast, creative and reliable

Happy designing!

Bob Belderbos

Software Developer, Pythonista, Data Geek, Student of Life. About me