Ending the year in little more than 24 hours, a bit of reflection. This year was full of exciting web stuff. I hope 2011 will be that productive and engaging. In this post some highlights of my 2010 blog and web work.. I actually started to grow into blogging later this year, around August. I try to share interesting web design/ programming topics at least once a week, sometimes it's hard, but looking at the frequency of the posts now vs. a year ago, I am quite satisfied.

I started using Wordpress in March. It was love at first sight. I like the interface a lot. I played with it quite some time now, I even had to do a migration of another blog.

I started, as many, with a blog separately from my homepage. So I installed the source under /blog, but as I started blogging more intensively, having a homepage (portfolio) and a blog as different instances (and designs) became unacceptable. It took me a bit to accept this change but I felt it should be done, and now I don't want to go back anymore ;) Moreover, it gave me the chance to design my first Wordpress theme, the "bamboo theme". The result is what you are seeing here.

You can also see what it was before in my post about the remake of my site. Some neat CSS tricks come from Dan Cederholm's brilliant book Handcrafted CSS. Rounded corner, typography, subtle input box and text shadows.. Or for example, the parallax scrolling effect: resize the browser window and the bamboos in the header start to move. It's done with one simple CSS rule: background: #1b393b url("i/header.jpg.gif") repeat-x -80% 0; See also silverbackapp and this complete tutorial on the subject. Still to be posted: how to make your own WP theme..

Late August I finally (!) joined the Twitter community. I started to add weekly spotlight posts (inspired on the Sitepoint podcast's "host spotlights"). As this costs quite some work and technology just moves too fast I got inspired by Aarron Walter's blog that takes a digest of his twitter. I went looking around and found this Wordpress plugin.

I completed lili designs, sauces autoescuela and waterdrinker architects, each having its own flavor and end-user requirements.

Just two months ago I released sharemovi.es, a redesign from a movie site I started in 09, but now I wanted to add the social dimension so I started playing with the Facebook API. You can share movie opinions after logging in with Facebook. It is still quite basic (it was born 'just playing around' as we web folks tend to do!).
Somewhere next year I will pick it up again. I also involved a bit of twitter's API: each new movie review gets pushed to @sharemovies

I added one category, nothing to do with web design: productivity.

I played a bit with mobile site design. I tried gmbhnews and mobify. They save you a lot of time and you benefit from specialized mobile web products. However in Wordpress there seems to be a plugin for everything, also for mobile device detection/ site conversion. Check out some other favorite WP plugins I am using.

I wish you all a splendid 2011, with lots of interesting work + learning and above all health, inspiration and fun. Keep on sharing the good stuff!

Bob Belderbos

Software Developer, Pythonista, Data Geek, Student of Life. About me